Learn to teach Hot Yoga on the weekends! Our Hot Yoga Teacher Training will certify you to teach a Bikram-Style Yoga Class at a fraction of the cost of Bikram's own training! Since we have classes on the weekends, you can go to work and maintain your normal life while you learn!
We are the only Bikram-Method Teacher Training anywhere in the area that is approved by OHYA. Bikram no longer does business in the United States. OHYA is the organization that has taken over for him. They set strict standards for the quality of their Approved Teacher Trainings to ensure that the quality is even better than Bikram's own training. This organization is made up of all of Bikram's most senior teachers and is respected all over the world. If a training doesn't have the OHYA Approved Seal, the graduated teachers cannot join OHYA.
(Yoga Alliance has never incorporated Bikram Yoga training into their registry. That is why Bikram training has OHYA. If a Bikram-style training is Yoga Alliance approved, it just means that the teacher has taken teacher trainings in other styles of yoga than Bikram)
To train with Bikram's staff costs upwards of $10,000 and requires you to move out of the country for 9 weeks. It is full-time.
We offer a 400-hour, 9-week program with Training Classes held on the weekends. In our training you get to schedule your own practice time.
Our program provides all the challenges of Bikram's training at a much lower cost. We require an equivalent amount of physical training from our graduates as Bikram does (10 classes a week personal practice during training), so you will graduate in the best shape of your life.
Instead of training as an anonymous face along with hundreds of others, we offer a small program with lots of individual attention to each teacher trainee.
We also offer a comprehensive reference guide for you to take home and use in your future teaching.
New teachers often return home from Bikram's training unable to actually teach a class without weeks of further study and practice. Every one of our graduates will be able to teach a great class immediately upon graduation.
Our first Teacher Trainings have been huge successes! There is a high concentration of Bikram and Hot Yoga studios in our area, and all of them are employing our graduates. Every studio owner has been impressed by how well-trained our graduates are!
Teacher Training will be conducted by Alicia Brodie, owner of Bikram Yoga Chino Hills. Alicia was certified by Bikram Choudhury in 2004 and has been teaching full-time ever since. In addition to her own Teacher Training, she has taken hundreds of classes from Bikram, his best teachers and assorted world yoga champions. She has assisted with several of Bikram's trainings.
She is a Level 3 (the highest level) certified teacher with the Original Hot Yoga Association, the premier Bikram-Style Yoga Association in the world. Students who graduate from our program will be able to gain certification through OHYA in addition to certification through our program. Check them out at www.ohyassociation.com!
for information email Alicia at aliciabrodie@gmail.com